Project SmartFleet
Encore Lab, AERTIC e Idoneo
Vehicle sensors, GPS Management software.
Project description
The aim of the project is to develop an innovative vehicle fleet management platform for companies, which processes and makes use of the information obtained from IoT devices connected to the OBD system of the vehicles, as well as data entered into the system by the company itself, to support decision-making and facilitate the management of the shared use of corporate vehicles by employees.
This new system will also include specific tools to analyse the total cost of each vehicle and its use, which will allow companies to know the viability of using 100% electric vehicles and to opt for the use of this type of vehicle.

Reply from Encore-Lab
Development and integration of the mechanism for obtaining vehicle data, IoT device, from the OBD system of vehicles.
The tool will allow for a much more efficient use of leased vehicles, relieving them of mechanical and low-skilled work while greatly simplifying the paperwork, paperwork and procedures associated with the vehicles. Thanks to a global vision of the fleet, the company will be able to analyse and support the decision making process when contracting new leasing vehicles.